Wednesday, October 14, 2009

For Rifqa Esther & Pamela Gellar at Atlas Shrug Reality Vs Religious Mania -History of Christian Anit-Semitism

NOTE: I mistakenly reposted in today's post a quote on Christian Anti-Semitism which I have now deleted . As Maxwell Smart used to say: "Sorry about that Chief"

Update: 12:53 PM- Anti-Semitism my dear children is a horror visited upon the world by The Christian Churches and the New Testament which has led to the deaths of millions of Jews to satisfy the unquenchable thirst of these Demonic Haters of Mankind known as Christians.

Believing that only the Soul and the Spirit are of any real importance they see little wrong in the brutalizing, torturing, ripping apart this meaningless flesh and so have become themselves destroyers of WORLDS.
In the latter days other peoples and religions were infested with this virulent disease of the mind known as Anti-Semitism.
From Books of Anti-Revelation of the Ancient Sage Vol. 1 TRANS. GORD.

While reading about the case of Rifqa Bary I have come across a number of articles and blogs etc. which have a definite anti-Islamic tone. Putting aside the story of Rifqa Bary which appears not to be as straightforward as her supporters believe it to be.

For instance as I have talked about is the rabid hateful anti-Islamic narrative that has become more and more mainstream. It is this notion for instance which Glenn Beck and others have that good Muslims every time they speak to a Christian or any of their fellow Americans or anyone else they should begin every conversation condemning terrorist acts of Muslim extremists. Maybe every time an American speaks in public or on TV they should apologize to the world for destroying Iraq or botching things in Afghanistan or for abusing and torturing thousands of prisoners. That'll be the day.But they tell us America has never done anything wrong so that 's a moot point.

Anyway what has popped up again on the internet and elsewhere is this twisted narrative which claims that anti-Semitism was invented and promulgated not by Christians but by Muslims and that anti-Semitism is an essential part of Islam. These critics go further with their revisionist history claiming that the facts are such that Hitler became an anti-Semitic because of being influenced by the Quran and by Muslim leaders in the 1920s and 1930s. Well that's news to any historian who has studied the history of anti-Semitism in Europe and in the history of Western Civilization. So the pogroms and the Holocaust/Shoah are the direct or indirect consequences of the teachings we are told of the Prophet Muhammad.

This is a bit of a stretch and I have said this should not go unchallenged . Anti-Semitism in fact precedes the founding of Islam.Further anti-Semitism was rarely as violent or virulent among Muslims as it was among Christians. For most of the 1400 years of Islamic history there was little anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism did begin to take hold with some Muslims in the 19th century and grew mainly in reaction to the Zionist movement which insisted that in order for the Jewish people to survive as a people they should begin returning to Palestine. This does not mean that Muslims have a right to promulgate anti-Islamic lies and fictitious conspiracy theories about the Jews as the hidden hand behind all that happens in the world. This is just another case of demonizing those whom you believe to be your enemy. They cannot just be mere humans with whom you have a dispute for it easier to kill an a enemy which has been demonized and dehumanized.

see yesterday's post section quoting from:Anti-Semitism: 2000 Years of Christian Love"By Vexen Crabtree 2004 Oct 06

From Pamela Gellar at Atlas Shrugs celebrating the news that the notorious racist Kert Wilders won an appeal to be permitted to spean in Great Britain.

Wilders Liberated to Travel to UK! Coming to Columbia University Next Week

Geert Wilders won his appeal against the decision barring him from the UK.

"The appeal has been upheld," a tribunal spokeswoman said.

Wilders told AFP he was "very happy".

"It is a victory for freedom of speech," he said in The Hague. "I will now consider if and when I will go to the United Kingdom. I was invited to make a speech to the House of Lords, and I intend to do so."

A Home Office spokesman said the government was "disappointed" by the ruling.

"We are disappointed by the court's decision today. The government opposes extremism is all its forms," he said.

Wilders challenged the Brits on their ban and won! Taking on evil is all in a day's work for the man. Next week he comes to Ahmadinejad's old NY stomping grounds, Columbia University. And Atlas will be there to give you the blow by blow. :)

More on the history of Anti-Semitism In The Catholic Church

A Catholic Timeline of Events Relating to Jews, Anti-Judaism, Antisemitism, and the Holocaust From the 3rd Century to the Beginning of the Third Millennium at Christian Heitage(Sullivan

Prepared by Jerry Darring

c. 240
Origen of Alexandria writes that the Jews "have committed the most abominable of crimes" in conspiring against Christ, and for that reason "the Jewish nation was driven from its country, and another people was called by God to the blessed election"
St. Cyprian writes that the Jews have fallen under the heavy wrath of God, because they have departed from the Lord, and have followed idols
The Council of Elvira decrees that Christians and Jews cannot intermarry, have sexual intercourse, or eat together
Conversation and fellowship with Jews is forbidden to the clergy by the Council of Nicaea
4th century
Christian emperors of Rome decree that Christians converting to Judaism, and Jews obstructing the conversion of other Jews to Christianity, will incur the death penalty; Jews can not marry Christians, or hold public office, or own slaves
c. 380
St. Gregory of Nyssa refers to the Jews as "murderers of the Lord, assassins of the prophets, rebels and detesters of God,... companions of the devil, race of vipers, informers, calumniators, darkeners of the mind, pharisaic leaven, Sanhedrin of demons, accursed, detested,... enemies of all that is beautiful"
c. 380
St. Ambrose calls the synagogue "a place of unbelief, a home of impiety, a refuge of insanity, damned by God Himself"
A mob of Christians, at the instigation of their bishop, looted and burned the synagogue in Callinicum, a town on the Euphrates. The Emperor Theodosius wants those responsible punished and the synagogue rebuilt at the expense of the bishop, but St. Ambrose, the bishop of Milan, pressures him to relent and condone the action
St. Augustine writes: "the Church admits and avows the Jewish people to be cursed, because after killing Christ they continue to till the ground of an earthly circumcision, an earthly Sabbath, an earthly passover, while the hidden strength or virtue of making known Christ, which this tilling contains, is not yielded to the Jews while they continue in impiety and unbelief, for it is revealed in the New Testament. While they will not turn to God, the veil which is on their minds in reading the Old Testament is not taken away... the Jewish people, like Cain, continue tilling the ground, in the carnal observance of the law, which does not yield to them its strength, because they do not perceive in it the grace of Christ"
c. 400
Calling the synagogue "brothel and theater" and "a cave of pirates and the lair of wild beasts," St. John Chrysostom writes that "the Jews behave no better than hogs and goats in their lewd grossness and the excesses of their gluttony"
A group of monks sweep through Palestine, destroying synagogues and massacring Jews at the Western Wall
St. Cyril of Alexandria expels Jews from his city
Jews are required by law to observe Christian feasts and fasts and to listen to sermons designed to persuade them to convert
The synagogue in Constantinople is turned into a church
The Code of the emperor Justinian decrees that in Christian Byzantine society Jews cannot read their sacred books in Hebrew in their synagogues, and the Mishnah and other rabbinic interpretations are banned
The Third Synod of Orléans decrees that Jews cannot show themselves in the streets during Passover Week
Pope St. Gregory the Great decrees that Jews are not to be forced into baptism "lest they return to their former superstition and die the worse for having been born again"
Pope St. Gregory the Great decrees that Jews should not have excessive freedom, but also "in no way should they suffer a violation of their rights"
The Synod of Toledo orders the burning of the Talmud and other books
Pope Stephen IV decries ownership of hereditary estates by "the Jewish people, ever rebellious against God and derogatory of our rites"
c. 830
Agobard, Archbishop of Lyons, writes anti-Jewish pamphlets in which he refers to Jews as "sons of darkness"
c. 937
Pope Leo VII encourages his newly appointed archbishop of Mainz to expel all Jews who refuse to be baptized
c. 1010-1020
In Rouen, Orléans, Limoges, Mainz, and probably also in Rome, Jews are converted by force, massacred, or expelled
The Synod of Narbonne decrees that Christians are not permitted to live in Jewish homes
c. 1070
Pope Alexander II warns the bishops of Spain to prevent violence against the Jews because, unlike the Saracens, they "are prepared to live in servitude"
The Synod of Gerona decrees that Jews must pay the same taxes as Christians to support the church
Pope Gregory VII writes to King Alphonso of Spain telling him that if he allows Jews to be lords over Christians, he is oppressing the Church and exalting "the Synagogue of Satan"
Rüdiger, bishop of Speyer, grants the Jews a charter allowing them to keep Christian servants and serfs, own fields and vineyards, and carry arms
Massacres of Jews takes place in the First Crusade, destroying entire Jewish communities in Mainz, Speyer, Worms, Cologne and other cities. The Jewish chronicler reports: "The enemies stripped them naked and dragged them off, granting quarter to none, save those few who accepted baptism. The number of the slain was eight hundred in these two days." The chronicler Guibert de Nogent reports that the Rouen Crusaders said: "We desire to go and fight God's enemies in the East; but we have before our eyes certain Jews, a race more inimical to God than any other"
Jews are expelled from France, all their property is confiscated, and Christians' debts to them are cancelled with the payment of one-fifth of their value to the treasury
The Third Crusade, led by Richard the Lion-Heart, stirs anti-Jewish fervor and results in the mass suicide of the York Jews in Clifford's Tower on March 16
Jews are allowed to return to France
Pope Innocent III decrees that Jews are to be allowed to worship in their synagogues, they are not to be coerced into baptism, and that Jewish cemeteries are not to be mutilated
The Fourth Lateran Council decrees that Jews are to wear distinctive clothing, and on the three days before Easter they are not to go out in public
The Council of Oxford prohibits the construction of new synagogues
The Council of Narbonne orders Jews to wear a round patch
Jews in France are forbidden to lend money on interest
The Council of Arles orders Jews to wear a round patch
Thirty-four Jews are burned to death in Fulda on a blood-libel charge
The Council of Béziers orders Jews to wear a round patch
Pope Innocent IV defends the Jews: "they are wrongly accused of partaking of the heart of a murdered child at the Passover... Whenever a corpse is found somewhere, it is to the Jews that the murder is wickedly imputed. They are persecuted on the pretext of such fables... they are deprived of trial and of regular judgment; in mockery of all justice, they are stripped of their belongings, starved, imprisoned and tortured"
The Council of Albi orders Jews to wear a round patch
The Council of Arles orders Jews to wear a round patch, but not when traveling
The Synod of Vienna decrees that Christians cannot attend Jewish ceremonies, and Jews cannot dispute with simple Christian people about the Catholic religion
The Synod of Breslau decrees compulsory ghettos for Jews
Pope Clement IV instructs the Franciscans and Dominicans to deal with the "new Christians" who had reverted to Judaism
c. 1270
St. Thomas Aquinas writes that the Jews sin more in their unbelief than do pagans because they have abandoned the way of justice "after knowing it in some way"
Pope Gregory X defends the Jews: "It happens sometimes that Christians lose their children and that the enemies of the Jews accuse them of having kidnaped and killed these children in order to offer sacrifices with their heart and blood, and it also happens that the parents themselves, or other Christians who are enemies to the Jews, hide the children and attack the Jews, demanding of them, as ransom, a certain sum of money, on the entirely false pretext that these children had been kidnaped and killed by the Jews"
Jews in England are forbidden to lend money on interest
The Synod of Ofen decrees that Christians cannot sell or rent real estate to Jews
Jews in France are forbidden to live in the countryside
The Council of Nîmes orders Jews to wear a round patch
The Council of Vienna orders Jews to wear a round patch
Jews are expelled from England and southern Italy
Jews in France are restricted to special quarters of the cities
Jews are expelled from Bern
The Jews of Röttingen, charged with profaning the Host, are massacred and burned down to the last one
The "Shepherds' Crusade." A Christian chronicler records: "The shepherds laid siege to all the Jews who had come from all sides to take refuge... the Jews defended themselves heroically... but their resistance served no purpose, for the shepherds slaughtered a great number of the besieged Jews by smoke and by fire... The Jews, realizing that they would not escape alive, preferred to kill themselves... They chose one of their number (and) this man put some five hundred of them to death, with their consent. He then descended from the castle tower with the few Jewish children who still remained alive... They killed him by quartering. They spared the children, whom they made Catholics by baptism"

and so it goes-Hi Ho,

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